








各注射液製剤には、ヒト絨毛性ゴナドトロピン (HGC) が白色の凍結乾燥結晶性粉末 (1500 I.U.) として含有。

主に牝馬と雌魚の排卵誘発、母豚および雌豚における排卵の誘導、牛と未経産牛(リピートブリーダー)の繁殖力の最適化。 雌牛および未経産牛の濾胞嚢胞の治療を目的に使用。










We are going to ship this item only to vets and orderers who go throug costoms if the parcel is stopped by Custom.

(1)Vets can receive this item without any procedure.

(2)Orderes who are not vets need to make custom

Chorulon 1500 I.U. HCG 5 ml 5 vial with 5 solvents


Each vial contains Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (hCG) as a white freeze dried crystalline powder (1500 I.U.)

Indications for use

Induction of ovulation in mares and female fish. Induction and synchronization of ovulation in sows and gilts. Optimization of fertility in cows and heifers (repeat breeders). Treatment of follicular cysts in cows and heifers.

Dosage and Administration

Improvement of conception rate in cows & heifers- 1500 IU at AI or mating, by I/M or I/V route; or 4-6 days post AI

Induction of ovulation(Mares)- 1500-3000 IU, by I/M or I/V route, 24 hours before AI / mating

Withdrawal Period

Milk- Zero days, Meat- Zero days


Store at 2 to 4 °C


One box contains 5 vials (1500 IU each) together with 5 vials of solvent for reconstitution


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チョルロン(ゴナドトロピン1500)<注射用ヒト絨毛性性腺刺激ホルモン>5ml5セット/Chorulon 1500 I.U. HCG 5 ml 5 vial with 5 solvents

  • 品番: 40
  • 在庫: 在庫あり
  • ¥14,900