





一般的に、体重 1 kg あたり 0.8 マイクログラムのクレンブテロールを 1 日 2 回投与。 これは、体重100kgあたり5gの顆粒を1日2回投与することに相当します。





・当500gmパックには計量スプーンが付属しています。 一杯にすると10g入ります。 スプーンの 2 行目は、半分の量 (5g) を示します。







・ 皮膚に付着した場合は、患部をよく洗い流してください。


・投与の際、 偶発的に目に入らないよう注意してください。





・クレンブテ ロールは、発汗 (主に首の領域)、筋肉の振戦、頻脈、軽度の低血圧または落ち着きのなさなどの副作用を引き起こす可能性があります。 これらは β アゴニストに典型的なものであり、めったに発生しません。

・ベンティプルミンは、プロスタグランジン F2α とオキシトシンの効果に拮抗します。



・クレンブテロール塩酸塩を治療用量の 4 倍まで (経口投与) 90 日間投与すると、ベータ 2 アドレナリン受容体アゴニストに典型的な一過性の副作用 (発汗、頻脈、筋肉の振戦) が発生しましたが、特にこれに関する治療は必要ありません。

・ 偶発的な過剰摂取の場合は、解毒剤としてβ遮断薬(プロプラノロールなど)を使用して下さい。




・医薬品の有効期間: 製造後3 年。





Ventipulmin Granules 16 micrograms/gram,500gm


White, finely grained free flowing granules. Each gram of granules contains 16 micrograms of clenbuterol hydrochloride.


Treatment of respiratory disease in horses where airway obstruction due to bronchospasm and/or accumulation of mucus is a contributing factor, and improved mucociliary clearance is desirable. To be used alone or as adjuvant therapy.

In particular:

Dosage and administration

For oral administration.

Twice daily administration of 0.8 micrograms clenbuterol per kg bodyweight, for as long as necessary. This is equivalent to twice daily administration of 5g granules per 100kg bodyweight. The granules should be added to the feed.

Add to feed immediately before administration. Discard any remaining medicated feed. A measuring scoop is provided with the 500g pack. When full, the scoop contains 10g. A second line on the scoop indicates a half measure (5g).

Contra-indications, warnings, etc

Do not use in horses with known cardiac disease.

Special precautions for use in animals

Do not use in animals with known hypersensitivity to the active substance.

Special precautions to be taken by the person administering the veterinary medicinal product to animals

This product contains clenbuterol, a beta-agonist.

Take care to avoid skin contact. In case of skin contact wash affected area thoroughly. If irritation occurs/persists seek medical advice. Take care to avoid accidental eye contact. In the case of accidental eye contact, flush thoroughly with clean water and seek medical advice. When using do not eat, drink or smoke. Wash hands thoroughly after using the product. Avoid inhaling dust.

Clenbuterol may cause side effects such as sweating (mainly neck region), muscle tremor, tachycardia, slight hypotension or restlessness. These are typical for β-agonists and occur rarely.

Ventipulmin antagonises the effects of prostaglandin F2α and oxytocin.

Ventipulmin is antagonised by β-adrenergic blocking agents.

If used during pregnancy, treatment must be discontinued at the expected time of delivery since uterine contractions may be abolished under its influence.

Dosages of clenbuterol hydrochloride up to 4 times the therapeutic dose (administered orally) for a period of 90 days caused transient side effects typical for beta2-adrenoceptor agonists (sweating, tachycardia, muscle tremor), which required no treatment. In case of accidental overdose, a β-blocker (such as propranolol) may be used as antidote.

Withdrawal period

Meat and offal: 28 days

Do not use in animals producing milk for human consumption.

Pharmaceutical precautions

Shelf life of the medicinal product as packaged for sale : 3 years.

Do not store above 30°C. Protect from light. Discard unused material. Add to feed immediately before administration. Discard remaining medicated feed.

Keep out of the reach and sight of children. For animal treatment only.

To be supplied only on veterinary prescription.

Any unused veterinary medicinal product or waste material derived from such veterinary medicinal products should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements.

Legal category

Packaging quantities

The product is packed in a polyethylene container with a push-fit polyethylene cap. The container is filled with 500 g granules. A polystyrene measuring spoon, graduated at 5g and 10g is also supplied.

Further information

The product contains the active ingredient clenbuterol hydrochloride which is a sympathomimetic amine with a high degree of selectivity for the B2-receptor sites in the body, thus providing intense bronchodilating properties with minimum effect on the cardiovascular system. It has been shown to stimulate mucociliary clearance in horses.

The effects on pulmonary function and clinical response have been assessed in clinical trials with horses suffering from a variety of respiratory conditions.

A marked decrease in intrathoracic pressure, a decrease in respiratory rate, an initial decrease followed by an increase in arterial oxygen partial pressure and clinical improvements were observed.

In addition, a significant reduction in resistance to airflow and a clinical improvement in the animals respiratory pattern were seen.

The active substance is well absorbed following oral administration. Oral and parenteral dose rates are identical at 0.08 micrograms per kg bodyweight.


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ペンティプルミン(塩酸クレンブテロール16mcg/gm )500gm/Ventipulmin Granules 16 micrograms/gram,500gm

  • 品番: 315
  • 在庫: 在庫あり
  • ¥21,800