











1.29g/100kg (1本のシリンジで6回分の投与量)























Eqvalan Duo Horese Wormer Paste


Oral paste. Smooth, homogeneous orange paste.

For the treatment of mixed cestode and nematode or arthropod infestations in horses.


Do not use in mares producing milk for human consumption. The product has been formulated for use in horses only. Cats, dogs, especially Collies, Old English Sheepdogs and related breeds or crosses, and also turtles and tortoises may be adversely affected by the concentration of ivermectin in this product if they are allowed to ingest spilled paste or have access to used syringes.

Special warnings for each target species

Care should be taken to avoid the following practices because they increase the risk of development of resistance and could ultimately result in ineffective therapy:

- Too frequent and repeated use of anthelmintics from the same class, over an extended period of time.

- Underdosing, which may be due to underestimation of bodyweight, misadministration of the product, or lack of calibration of the dosing device (if any).

Suspected clinical cases of resistance to anthelmintics should be further investigated using appropriate tests (e.g. Faecal Egg Count Reduction Test). Where the results of the test(s) strongly suggest resistance to a particular anthelmintic, an anthelmintic belonging to another pharmacological class and having a different mode of action should be used.

Resistance to macrocyclic lactones (which includes ivermectin) has been reported in Parascaris equorum in horses in the EU. Therefore the use of this product should be based on local (regional, farm) epidemiological information about susceptibility of gastrointestinal nematodes and recommendations on how to limit further selection for resistance to anthelmintics.

Special precautions for use in animals

Safety studies were not conducted in foals younger than 2 months of age, or in stallions. The use of Eqvalan Duo is not recommended in these categories of animals.

Special precautions to be taken by the person administering the product.

Wash hands after use. Do not smoke, drink or eat while handling the product. This product may cause skin and eye irritation. Therefore, the user should avoid contact of the product with the skin and the eyes. In case of contact, rinse immediately with plenty of water. In the case of accidental ingestion or eye irritation after contact, seek medical advice immediately and show the package insert or the label to the physician.

Adverse reactions

Some horses with heavy infections of Onchocerca spp. microfilariae have experienced oedema and pruritus following treatment; such reactions were assumed to be the result of the death of large numbers of microfilariae. These signs resolve within a few days but symptomatic treatment may be advisable.

In cases of heavy infestations with tapeworms, signs of mild, transient colic and loose stool may be observed.

Following administration of Eqvalan Duo, there have been rare reports of inflammation of the mouth, lip and tongue, which results in various clinical signs such as oedema, hypersalivation, erythema, tongue disorder and stomatitis. These reactions have been transitory in nature, appearing within 1 hour and abating within 24 to 48 hours following administration. In case of severe oral reactions symptomatic treatment is recommended.

Use during pregnancy, lactation or lay

Studies performed in laboratory animals showed no teratogenic or embryotoxic effect of either ivermectin or praziquantel at the recommended doses during therapy.

Ivermectin-Praziquantel combination can be used after the first three months of gestation and during lactation. In the absence of clinical data in early pregnancy Eqvalan Duo can only be used in the first three months of gestation according to a risk benefit analysis by the veterinarian.


No data available.

Amounts to be administered and administration route

The recommended dosage is 200 mcg ivermectin per kilogram of bodyweight and 1 mg praziquantel per kilogram of bodyweight corresponding to 1.29 g of paste per 100 kg bodyweight in a single administration.

Bodyweight and dosage should be accurately determined prior to treatment. The contents of one syringe will treat horses up to 600 kg. Calibrated markings are provided at 100 kg bodyweight intervals. The syringe should be adjusted to the calculated dosage by setting the ring on the appropriate place on the plunger.

Directions for use Eqvalan Duo is for oral administration only. While holding the plunger, turn the knurled ring on the plunger ¼ turn to the left and slide it so the stop ring is at the prescribed weight marking. Lock the ring in place by turning it ¼ turn to the right in order to bring the two arrows, the one visible on the ring and the one on the plunger rod, into alignment. Make sure the horse’s mouth contains no feed. Remove the cover from the tip of the syringe. Insert the syringe tip into the horse’s mouth at the interdental space and deposit the paste on the base of the tongue. Immediately raise the horse’s head for a few seconds after dosing and ensure that the paste is consumed.

Parasite control program Veterinary advice should be given on appropriate dosing programs and stock management to achieve adequate parasite control for both tapeworm and roundworm infestations.


No antidote has been identified; however, symptomatic therapy may be beneficial.

Withdrawal periods: Meat: 30 days

Do not use in mares producing milk for human consumption.

No undesirable effects related to treatment were observed in 2 month old horses treated with Eqvalan Duo at up to three times the recommended dose and in adult horses treated at ten times the recommended dose.

Transient decreased food consumption, increased body temperature, salivation and impairment of vision were noticed in horses treated twice with an ivermectin oral paste or once with Eqvalan Duo at ten times the recommended dose (i.e., 2 mg/kg bodyweight). All changes disappeared within five days.


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エクイバランデュオ(エクイバランゴールド)/Eqvalan Duo Horese Wormer Paste

  • 品番: 222
  • 在庫: 在庫あり
  • ¥8,500