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Palladia 15mg 30tabs

Pharmacological Properties

Toceranib is a small molecule, an inhibitor multikinase, which has direct antiangiogenic and antitumor activity. Toceranib selectively inhibits the tyrosine kinase activity of several members of the receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK), some of them being involved in tumor growth, in pathological angiogenesis, and metastatic progression of cancer. Toceranib inhibit the tyrosine kinase activity Flk-1/KDR receptor (vascular endothelial growth factor VEGFR2), receptor-derived growth factor (PDGFR) receptor and stem cell factor (c-Kit) both biochemical and cellular assays. Toceranib shows an antiproliferative effect on endothelial cells in vitro. Toceranib induces cell cycle arrest and subsequent apoptosis in tumor cell lines expressing activating mutations in divided RTK kinase, c-Kit. Often canine mastocytoma growth is given by an activating mutation in c-Kit.

Following oral administration of phosphate toceranib, approximately 92% of the administered drug is excreted in feces and another 7% in urine.

Interactions and incompatibilities

• No information is available on the potential cross-resistance with other cytostatics.

• Since toceranib is eliminated predominantly by hepatic metabolism should be used with caution in combination with other substances that induce or inhibit liver enzymes.

• It is not known to what extent the toceranib can affect the removal of other drugs.

• Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs should be used cautiously with Palladia due to an increased risk of gastrointestinal perforation or ulceration.

Indications and species of destination

Dogs: Treatment of canine cutaneous mast cell tumors recurrent unresectable Patnaik grade II (intermediate grade) or III (high grade).


• Do not use in pregnant or lactating bitches or in dogs intended for breeding.

• Do not use in case of hypersensitivity to the active substance or excipient.

• Do not use in dogs less than 2 years or weighing less than 3kg bodyweight.

• Do not use in dogs with intestinal bleeding.

Side effects

Diarrhea, neutropenia, weight loss, blood in stool / bloody diarrhea / gastrointestinal bleeding, anorexia, lethargy, vomiting, lameness / musculoskeletal disorder, dehydration, dermatitis, pruritus, increased alanine aminotransferase, thrombocytopenia, decreased albumin, hematocrit decrease.

Route of administration



The recommended starting dose is 3.25 mg / kg body weight, administered every other day (for more information see the prospectus dosing table).

The dose given should be based on veterinary assessments conducted weekly during the first six weeks and then every six weeks. The duration of treatment depends on the response. Treatment should continue in case of stable disease, or partial or complete response, provided that the product is sufficiently well tolerated. In case of tumor progression, it is unlikely that treatment will be successful and should be reviewed.

Special precautions

• Dogs must be carefully examined. You may need to reduce or discontinue the dose to control side effects. Treatment should be reviewed weekly for the first six weeks and then every 6 weeks or at such intervals as the veterinarian deems appropriate. The evaluation should include assessment of clinical signs cited by the pet owner.

• To properly use titration table we should do a complete blood count, serum chemistry analysis and urinalysis before starting treatment and approximately one month after starting treatment and then at intervals of approximately 6 weeks or as determined by the veterinarian. Periodic monitoring of laboratory variables should be completed in the context of clinical signs and animal condition and results of laboratory variables from previous visits.

• Treatment should be discontinued permanently if repeated or serious adverse effects persist despite adequate supportive care and dose reduction indicated in the table of the prospectus.

• Avoid skin contact with tablets, feces, urine and vomit of treated dogs. Tablets are to be whole and should not be broken or ground. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after handling or scrap vomit, urine or faeces of treated dogs.


Not applicable.

Conservation mode

It does not require any special storage conditions.


Cardboard box with five contine 4 blister coated tablets each:

• Tablets of 10 mg (blue).

• Tablets of 15 mg (orange).

• 50 mg tablets (red).


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  • 品番: 7
  • 在庫: 在庫有り
  • ¥35,000