
有効成分:酢酸メドロキシプロゲステロン –5mg。


猫と犬 の性的活動を減らし、望ましくない行動 (尿領域のタグ付け、種内攻撃、興奮性の増加) を改善します。



・酢酸メドロキシプロゲステロン は黄体によって生成されるプロゲスチンの類似体である合成プロゲスチンであり、その作用は、増殖性子宮内膜を分泌性子宮内膜に変換し、子宮筋肥大を増加させ、子宮収縮を抑制させます。











– ヒートを止めるには –

ヒートの兆候が止まるまで 1 日 1 回 3 ~ 5 日間連続投与、ヒートが出始めてから 3 日目までに 1 錠、その後は 1 週間に 1 回 1 錠投与。

— 性的興奮の兆候が現れた場合、望ましくない行動 (尿領域のタグ付け、種内の攻撃性、興奮性の増加) を落ち着かせ、修正するために —

1 日 1 回 1 錠を 8 日間、その後 1 錠を 1 週間に 1 回投与。



– 発情を防ぐため –

動物の体重 22 ポンド (10 kg) あたり 1 錠を 1 日 1 回、発情期が終わる 7 ~ 15 日前まで投与。薬を連続して 32 日以上使用してはなりません。

– ヒートを止めるには –

ヒートが出始めてから最初の 3 日間は体重 10 kg あたり 1 錠を 1 日 1 回、その後はヒートの兆候が止まるまで 7 日間、体重 10 kg あたり 2 錠を 1 日 1 回連続投与。

投薬の中止後、ヒートは通常 4 ~ 9 か月後に始まります。薬を1年に2コース以上使用することはお勧めできません。



– 性的興奮の兆候が現れた場合、鎮静および望ましくない行動 (尿領域のタグ付け、種内攻撃性、興奮性の増加) の是正のために –

動物の体重 22b (10 kg) あたり 1 日 4 錠を 8 日間、およびその後、動物の体重 22 ポンド (10 kg) あたり 1 日 2 錠を 8 日間投与。


<禁忌 >








使用期限期限: 製造日から3年まで。





Medroxyprogesterone acetate5mg50tabs


White to grayish colored tablets with a specific odor.


One tablet (0.12 g) of the drug

contains the active ingredient:

Medroxyprogesterone acetate – 5 mg.


Hormonal drug used in dogs and cats to delay and interrupt heat; cats and male dogs – to reduce sexual activity and correction of undesirable behavior (urinary territory tagging, intraspecific aggression, increased excitability).

The drug also prevents signs of pseudo pregnancy and lactation.

– Bitches and cats – for delay and termination of heat;

– Cats and male dogs – for the reduction of sexual activity and correction of undesirable behavior (urine labeling, intraspecific aggression, increased excitability).

The drug also prevents signs of pseudo pregnancy and lactation.


Veterinary medicines affecting urogenital system and sex hormones (QG03A hormonal contraceptives for systemic use)

The active substance of the drug is medroxyprogesterone acetate – a synthetic progestin, an analogue of the progestins produced by the corpus luteum.

The action is to convert the proliferative endometrium into secretory endometrium, increases myometrial hypertrophy and suppresses uterine contractions.

Depending on the dose, it suppresses the secretion of pituitary gonadotropins and has an anti-insulin effect.

In animals, medroxyprogesterone acetate has a pronounced adrenocortical effect and suppresses the secretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisol.

Medroxyprogesterone has an anti-estrogenic effect and reduces testosterone levels in the blood plasma of males.


The drug is administered orally, forced on the root of the tongue or with a small amount of food 1-2 hours before the animal’s main meal in doses:


– To prevent heat – 1 tablet once a week, apply the drug during the period when it is desirable to delay heat. After discontinuation of the drug, heat comes in about 2 weeks. The drug should not be used longer than 18 months.

– To stop the heat – 1 tablet once a day for 3-5 days until the signs of heat stop, not later than on the third day after the start of heat, and then 1 tablet once a week. Heifers should not be interrupted more than twice a year.


— when signs of sexual excitement appear, for calming and correction of undesirable behavior (urine territory tagging, intraspecies aggression, increased excitability) – 1 tablet 1 time per day for 8 days and then 1 tablet 1 time per week.


– to prevent heat – 1 tablet per 22lb (10 kg) of the animal’s body weight 1 time a day 7-15 days before the termination of heat, after cessation of the drug hunting comes in a few days; the drug must not be used for more than 32 days continuously;

– To stop heat – 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight once daily during the first three days, and then 2 tablets per 22 lb (10 kg) of body weight once daily for 7 days until the signs of heat stop, not later than on the third day after the beginning of heat. After discontinuation of the drug, heat usually starts after 4-9 months. It is not recommended to use the drug more often than 2 courses per year.

Male dogs:

– When signs of sexual excitement appear, for sedation and correction of undesirable behavior (urine territory tagging, intraspecific aggression, increased excitability) – 4 tablets per 22b (10 kg) body weight of the animal per day for 8 days, and then 2 tablets per 22 lb (10 kg) body weight of the animal per day for 8 days.


The drug is not used in animals during pregnancy and lactation and in pseudo-pregnancy and lactation!

The drug is not used in animals with diseases of the urogenital and endocrine systems, disorders of the regularity of the sexual cycle, mammary tumors, immature animals (until the first heat)!

The drug should not be used if more than 2 days have passed after the onset of heat!


When using the drug for a long time changes in sexual cycle, increase in mammary glands, excessive appetite and increase in body weight may occur.

The drug should be applied under the veterinarian’s supervision, especially in greyhound breeds.


Dry, dark, out of reach of children, at 50-77 F (10 to 25°C).

SHELF LIFE: – 3 years.


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  • 品番: 34
  • 在庫: 在庫あり
  • ¥12,800